dimanche 31 janvier 2010
vendredi 29 janvier 2010
jeudi 28 janvier 2010
Summit Conference

mercredi 27 janvier 2010
mardi 26 janvier 2010
What a wonderful idea!
A long time ago, I heard about philippines prisonners that learned and danced exciting choreographies. The first video I saw was actually really good and I thought it was the most wonderful idea about rehabilitation I had ever heard. It seems I was not the only one as Sony pictures has sent Mickael Jackson choreographer there in order to promote "This is it" DVD. Here what you can read on the youtube official page:
Filipino, Philippines "Dancing Inmates" from Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC), a maximum security prison, were treated to a visit by Michael Jacksons long-time choreographer Travis Payne and dancers Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid to learn performances from THIS IS IT.
The wait
Wait your turn by Rihanna
Elle sait que l'attente est un cruel supplice,
Qu'il doit souffrir déjà, qu'il faut qu'elle accomplisse
Le serment qu'elle a fait d'être là, vers midi.
Mais, parmi les parfums du boudoir attiédi,
Elle s'est attardée à finir sa toilette.
Et devant le miroir charmé qui la reflète,
Elle s'impatiente à boutonner son gant;
Et rien n'est plus joli que le geste élégant
De la petite main qui travaille; et, mutine,
Elle frappe le sol du bout de sa bottine.
François Coppée
dimanche 24 janvier 2010
Lolitas times
Moi Lolita by Alizée
Gourmandises by Alizée
Candy by Mandy Moore
Baby one more time by Britney Spears
samedi 23 janvier 2010
vendredi 22 janvier 2010
Good news
- According to the french fashion institute (IFM), december 2009 textile french sales increased by 4% compared to december 2008
- Pitti Uomo activity has also increased by 3% compared to last year and one of the organizer said that " a recovery feeling was tangible" during the exhibition.
- Burberry worldwild sales increased by 12% during the last semester of 2009
- Richemond worldwild sales increased by 2% during the last semester of 2009
jeudi 21 janvier 2010
mercredi 20 janvier 2010
mardi 19 janvier 2010
lundi 18 janvier 2010
samedi 16 janvier 2010
Wanna rock??
I wanna rock by Snoop Dogg
I wanna rock- The Kings G-Mix by Snoop Dogg feat Jay-Z
The remix is not that much interesting I think
vendredi 15 janvier 2010
jeudi 14 janvier 2010
Disney Teen Stars
Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus
Sneakernight by Vanessa Hudgens
Magic by Selena Gomez
And don't forget The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift
Here a very interesting article on the subject
mercredi 13 janvier 2010
Listen to this!!
Don't know too much how the industry is working but this should be a tube!
I first hear it at the Pineapple Studio in London and I'm sooo glad to finally identify who's behind this wonderful song!
Heartbeat by Nneka
But I prefer this A-MA-ZING cover:
Heartbeat Guitar Remix by Chase and Status
mardi 12 janvier 2010
All by myself
Again and again...
Which god should I pray, which worlds should I say, which places should I go, for us to have a go?
All by myself by Céline Dion
If you've seen Bridget Jones, you have a good idea of what I look like while listenning to this alone at home!
lundi 11 janvier 2010
KOOL SHEN CLIP "J'REVIENS" FEAT. JoeyStarr (version longue)
envoyé par KoolShenOfficiel. - Regardez plus de clips, en HD !
J'reviens by Kool Shen feat. Joey Starr
The energy is exactly the one I'm feeling now...yeah, I'm job-seeking and I'm just pissed of being thrown away!
samedi 9 janvier 2010
What a feeling performed by Irene Cara in Flashdance
Maniac performed by Michael Sembello in the same movie
The actress is Jennifer Beals
I've just watched this film again, it's amazing! Such a beautiful story of passion and I do hope passion is not only for teens. I'm sure you can build things out of passion even when you're a grown-up! If you doubt that, I will prove you;-)!!
vendredi 8 janvier 2010
Swinging sixties

My mother has just offered me a book about 60's fashion. I think everybody knows it, this is this one . While reading it, I felt as if I was back in the 60's and it's really interesting to see and know what's really behing famous things like Swinging London, Flower Power, Summer of Love. It was such an booming decades for arts, society, moral and culture.

SAN FRANCISCO - Scott Mc Kenzie
envoyé par peter95000. - Regardez d'autres vidéos de musique.
San Francisco by Scott McKenzie
jeudi 7 janvier 2010
Kery James
Lettre à mon public by Kery James
clip officiel du retour du rap français
envoyé par maklouf94. - Regardez la dernière sélection musicale.
Le retour du rap français by Kery James
Kery James is my favorite french rap artist, his music is always very strong emotionally and his texts are really sincere
visual poetry

I like his creative universe, he is one of my favourite fashion photographer. And I don't like all fashion photographers: for example, I totally dislike Mario Testino's work, according to me, it's too tribal and not creative enough.
mardi 5 janvier 2010
lundi 4 janvier 2010
My own winner
Skorpion Final La france a un incroyable talent 2009
envoyé par thib_th. - Gag, sketch et parodie humouristique en video.
Skorpion's performance for the Incroyable Talent TV Show, the french X-factor
This performance is A-MA-ZING, this is a totally new scope for hip-hop, he might have been ranked 2nd by the public vote but for me he is first far beyond the others!
dimanche 3 janvier 2010
La parade des humbles
A bit disappointed by an exhibition called The humbles' parade at Le Petit Palais in Paris: the name was full of promises and I was expecting to see something really moving about the reality of the artist and bohemian's life. There were some good ideas and sources of inspiration but not the big deal I was expecting... The theme is good but the exhibition should have enriched itself with artpieces from other artists than only Pélez. Fortunately, I paid only half price because I am under 26.
samedi 2 janvier 2010
On to the next one by Jay-Z
That's his new just released video clip
"En acceptant le projet de Sam Brown, Jay-Z ouvre la voix à une nouvelle forme d’expression visuelle qui tranche avec les éternelles recettes éculées du Hip-Hop US.
Fidèle à son travail, Sam Brown livre un clip d’installation alliant des idées visuellement fortes, et un montage efficace. Seul bémol la répétition de plans ne permet pas d ‘éviter au film de créer une certaine lassitude pour un morceau qui dépasse les 4min.
Gregory Escure"
Fidèle à son travail, Sam Brown livre un clip d’installation alliant des idées visuellement fortes, et un montage efficace. Seul bémol la répétition de plans ne permet pas d ‘éviter au film de créer une certaine lassitude pour un morceau qui dépasse les 4min.
Gregory Escure"
J'ai trouvé le texte ici
vendredi 1 janvier 2010
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